Our yard has welcomed this new fly trap! We have seen a massive reduction in stable fly activity and the horses are no longer covered in welts from all the nasty flies and other insects that bite and sting. The trap is brilliant as it does not use any foul smelling concoctions and only traps the bugs you want dead! There is not a single bee in the trap but there are hundreds of Stable flies, midges, wasps and other stinging & biting insects. We are thrilled with the results and our horses are much happier for it. - Tasmyn-Jane Van Niekerk
The StomoxyCC Trap Offers
• Effective outdoor control on stable flies
• Green solution, no chemicals used
• Easy to install, easy to handle
• Selective control
• High quality materials offer a long life span
Stomoxys calcitrans, commonly known as the stable fly, is an insect pest that has spread worldwide.
It can be found around mammals, such as cows, pigs & horsesand is known for biting and sucking their blood. This causes health and stress issues leading to a reduction in meat, milk production, skin lesions, reduction in food intake, stre
Stomoxys calcitrans, commonly known as the stable fly, is an insect pest that has spread worldwide.
It can be found around mammals, such as cows, pigs & horsesand is known for biting and sucking their blood. This causes health and stress issues leading to a reduction in meat, milk production, skin lesions, reduction in food intake, stress and blood loss.
In 2020 the global economic loss caused by the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans, was estimated to exceed Euro 4 billion.
For years insecticides have been used to control this species, but this has led to the build-up of very high resistance levels. alongside increasing public concern over the effects of insecticides on both human health and the environment.
Research at several leading universities around the world has indicated that chemical control of St
For years insecticides have been used to control this species, but this has led to the build-up of very high resistance levels. alongside increasing public concern over the effects of insecticides on both human health and the environment.
Research at several leading universities around the world has indicated that chemical control of Stomoxys calcitrans is now no longer possible.
A different approach for the control of Stomoxys calcitrans has become of strategic importance. The Stomoxycc trap has been designed with this in mind.
NB: On a working farm in KZN, the StomoxyCC has proven to catch many other biting insects.
The Stomoxycc trap offers control of an area of up to 1,000 m2.
For best results, it is important that if any stables are located nearby, an active larvae control programme is implemented. This is the likely fly breeding ground and source of the adult flies.
With an indoor larvae control programme in place, combined with the outdoor placeme
The Stomoxycc trap offers control of an area of up to 1,000 m2.
For best results, it is important that if any stables are located nearby, an active larvae control programme is implemented. This is the likely fly breeding ground and source of the adult flies.
With an indoor larvae control programme in place, combined with the outdoor placement of Stomoxycc traps, an integrated pest management system is established. This will lead to the gradual elimination of Stomoxys calcitrans in the area.
Check out this great video of flying insects - South Africa Caught by Stomoxycc March 2023
If you have ever been bitten by a horse fly you will know how painful it is. It is equally painful for your horse. For horses the bite is bad enough, but the added danger is the distress they cause, or worse still, the damage a horse can do to itself if the presence of these flies causes the horse to become unsettled, or to gallop around, trying to escape. This can endanger not only themselves, but their keepers too. However, help is on hand. The H-Trap Horsefly Trap provides relief and will significantly reduce the numbers of this troublesome pest.
The horse fly is the most widely used English common name for members of the family Tabanidae. As well as horse fly, this bloodsucking fly can be known by a variety of other common names, such as breeze flies, cleggs, klegs, or clags, deer flies, gadflies, or zimbs.
Horse flies range in size from two to three centimeters long and usually have clear or solidly colored wings and brightly colored eyes. Adult horse flies feed on nectar and sometimes pollen. Females of most species are anautogenous, meaning they
require a blood meal before they are able to reproduce effectively. Male horse flies lack the mouth parts (mandibles) that the females use in drawing the blood on which they feed.
Once on a host, they use their knife-like mouthparts to slice the skin and feed on the blood pool that is created.
Blood loss can be significant. 20 or 30 flies can take
100ml of blood in a six hour period of feeding, and
the blood trickles they leave will attract more flies. If repeatedly bitten, the horse can be weakened by blood loss.
Bites can be very painful and cause an itchy skin reaction with a central bite mark, often with a blood spot. Each individual bite is sore and the irritation and swelling can last for at least a day, or longer. Even if a horse is not bitten often, it remembers the event. As it ages, the horse becomes more wary about these encounters and can become very agitated, which is when accidents can happen. Horse flies are very persistent and not easily deterred. They will persist with their attacks until successful and some even appear to give chase to their target. An added hazard is secondary infections may occur when bites are scratched and Tabanidae are known vectors for some blood-borne diseases of animals and humans, such as the equine infectious anemia virus. They have also been known to transmit anthrax among cattle and sheep and tularemia between rabbits and humans.
Horse flies are most active in hot weather, mostly in summer and fall during the daylight hours. Most species also prefer a wet environment, which makes it easier for them to breed. Eggs are generally laid on stones close to water, or on plant stems, or leaves. On hatching, the maggots or larvae fall into water or moist earth, feeding on other invertebrates, such as snails and earthworms and even small vertebrates.
The female horse fly is active during the day. She is a secretive attacker, with an annoying ability to land without being detected and escaping before the victim begins to experience any pain. Each female is attracted to large dark shiny objects, movement, certain animal odors, carbon dioxide and warmth – a horse or human, making an ideal target.
Traditionally, horse owners have attempted to combat horse fly bites by various physical and chemical means. For example, rugging horses in fly sheets, but as anyone who has been bitten through their own clothing will testify, this provides little protection. Moving horses to fields away from wet areas where the flies are breeding is another means, as is only turning-out your horses at night – but for many owners these are impractical suggestions. Chemical fly sprays, frequently based on permethrin, are another means, but horse flies have an unerring knack of finding places not sprayed, such as under belly areas, legs, neck and withers. Actual removal of the horse flies themselves would be the ideal solution.
The H-Trap is also designed to tap-into the horse fly’s own behavior. In addition, further research work and the use of modern materials has refined the construction, robustness and, most importantly, the efficiency of the new HTrap.
The H-Trap professional horse fly control system is designed to be used outdoors. As with the earlier traps, its shape mimics the ideal target for a biting female. It consists of a unique single-legged frame, large black inflatable ball and green conical hood. Heated by the sun, the black rubber ball tricks the female horse fly into finding and landing on it, mistakenly thinking it is a large animal. Once a fly lands on the black ball, it will try to feed by biting into it. When it fails to obtain a blood feed, it will fly upwards, its normal flight path, where it is caught in the funnel and guided into a centrally placed, easy to empty, collection bin.
For best results, the H-Trap should be placed in areas where horses congregate, for example in stable yards and horse paddocks. One trap is adequate to protect up to five horses. Once installed, the traps should be checked at weekly intervals to empty all flies caught in the collection bin. At the end of the fly season the trap should be removed and safely stored ready for the following season.
The H-Trap is designed and developed by a Dutch company based in central Holland. Since its launch in 2008, the H-Trap has been successfully introduced into most of the Northern and Central countries in Europe, USA, Japan and SA.
Like all good pest control inventions, it is vital to study the biology of the pest involved. This is exactly what the developers of the H-Trap have done. By mimicking the habits of the horse fly and by using modern materials, they have come up with an effective and chemical free trap purpose-built for horse owners the world over. Give it a try!
This trap is designed to catch those aggressive insects, which commonly create a lot of irritation.
The MT-trap. This trap is designed to catch those aggressive insects, which commonly create a lot of irritation: Horse flies and/or Wasps.
The principle used for attraction of Horse flies is a proven and widely accepted method: With help of the sun, we heat up the air under the funnel, which is absorbed by the black ball. The ball itself will start emitting this infrared energy. Horse flies are attracted by infrared radiation, coming from larger objects.
Wasps have the same fly behavior as horse flies; also they naturally fly upwards.
Unlike horse flies, wasps are not attracted by infrared objects, but by sweet scents,
such as a sugar concentrations. An optional wasp fluid(*), placed in the collect bin,
will lure wasps. Wasps will enter the trap from below and fly into the collect bin.
From here escaping is simply not an option for them.
(*) The wasp fluid is not included in the scope of supply.
Easy and effective control of those insects which you rather not have around your premises.
The MT-trap is designed to be hung.
Designed to either be hung up or placed on the ground. The beauty of the iCatchi fly trap is that it keeps the bait & insect separate allowing the flies to dry out naturally enabling you to dispose of them & clean out the trap without hassle or fuss.
Flies are unsightly pests, not to mention the fact that they can carry diseases, that said flies are also a very important part of the food chain. Fish, reptiles & chicken all incorporate flies into their diet & with iCatchi’s bait separating technology, trapped flies can be returned to the environment as a food source to those animals as well as a means to mulch back into the soil adding microbes & organic matter to such – the way nature intended.
iCatchi is for outdoor use & is ideal for controlling flies around horse stables, barns, kitchens & dwellings. It is also the perfect companion for camping trips or organised outdoor events – to keep flies at bay
How does iCatchi work?
An extremely effective fly bait that is compatible with most fly traps/catchers & is recommended for use in the iCatchi re-usable fly trap
Our bait is specially designed to attract female flies which cuts down the breeding cycle resulting in less annoying flies around during the next season
Designed to be placed on the ground, hung or pole mounted. The beauty of the iCatchi fly trap is that it keeps the bait & insect separate allowing the flies to dry out naturally enabling you to dispose of them & clean out the trap without hassle or fuss. Flies are unsightly pests, not to mention the fact that they can carry diseases, that said flies are also a very important part of the food chain. Fish, reptiles & chicken all incorporate flies into their diet & with iCatchi’s bait separating technology, trapped flies can be returned to the environment as a food source to those animals as well as a means to mulch back into the soil adding microbes & organic matter to such – the way nature intended. iCatchi is for outdoor use & is ideal for controlling flies around horse stables, barns, kitchens & dwellings. It is also the perfect companion for camping trips or organised outdoor events – to keep flies at bay
– Large 1L bait container
– Bait only requires changing every 4-6 weeks
– Flies are attracted to the odour of the bait
– Flies enter the trap through the rectangular holes between the bait bowl & the drying chamber
– Instead of exiting through the entry holes, they fly towards the light which enters in from the clear lid & get trapped in the drying chamber
– Once in the drying chamber they dry out
– To remove flies simply untwist the green trap, lift off the clear lid & shake out the dead flies
– Colour: Green & Black
– Material: Plastic
– Assembled Dimensions: 30 x 17 x 17cm
– Weight: 0.6kg
– Warranty: 6 Months
Your next generation fly catcher is here! Designed to either be hung up or placed on the ground. The beauty of the iCatchi fly trap is that it keeps the bait & insect separate allowing the flies to dry out naturally enabling you to dispose of them & clean out the trap without hassle or fuss. Flies are unsightly pests, not to mention the fact that they can carry diseases, that said flies are also a very important part of the food chain. Fish, reptiles & chicken all incorporate flies into their diet & with iCatchi’s bait separating technology, trapped flies can be returned to the environment as a food source to those animals as well as a means to mulch back into the soil adding microbes & organic matter to such – the way nature intended. iCatchi is for outdoor use & is ideal for controlling flies around horse stables, barns, kitchens & dwellings. It is also the perfect companion for camping trips or organised outdoor events – to keep flies at bay
– Flies are attracted to the odour of the bait
– Flies enter the trap through the rectangular holes between the bait bowl & the drying chamber
– Instead of exiting through the entry holes, they fly towards the light which enters in from the clear lid & get trapped in the drying chamber
– Once in the drying chamber they dry out
– To remove flies simply remove the bait bowl, lift off the clear lid & shake out the dead flies
– Colour: Green
– Material: Plastic
– Assembled Dimensions: 23 x 15 x 15cm
– Weight: 0.5kg
What’s in the box
1 x Re-usable fly Trap
1 x Packet powder Bait
1 x Ground Stake
1 x Hanging String
Designed to be placed on the ground. The beauty of the iCatchi fly trap is that it keeps the bait & insect separate allowing the flies to dry out naturally enabling you to dispose of them & clean out the trap without hassle or fuss. Flies are unsightly pests, not to mention the fact that they can carry diseases, that said flies are also a very important part of the food chain. Fish, reptiles & chicken all incorporate flies into their diet & with iCatchi’s bait separating technology, trapped flies can be returned to the environment as a food source to those animals as well as a means to mulch back into the soil adding microbes & organic matter to such – the way nature intended. iCatchi is for outdoor use & is ideal for controlling flies around horse stables, barns, kitchens & dwellings. It is also the perfect companion for camping trips or organised outdoor events – to keep flies at bay
– Massive 10L bait container (holds 3L of fly bait)
– Bait only requires changing every 8 weeks
– Flies are attracted to the odour of the bait
– Flies enter the trap through the rectangular holes between the bait bowl & the drying chamber
– Instead of exiting through the entry holes, they fly towards the light which enters in from the clear lid & get trapped in the drying chamber
– Once in the drying chamber they dry out
– To remove flies simply untwist the green trap, lift off the clear lid & shake out the dead flies
– Colour: Green & Black
– Material: Plastic
– Assembled Dimensions: 45 x 26 x 26cm
– Weight: 1kg
– Warranty: 6 Months
– Our bait is specially designed to attract flies as efficiently & quickly as possible, this helps stop breeding in its tracks, which in turn resulting in less annoying flies around during the next season
– Must be mixed with warm water to activate
– Bait is non-toxic & pesticide free
What’s in the box
1 x Litre Mixing Bottle
5 x 45g Sachet of fly bait (5 months worth/20 doses)
1 x Plastic gloves
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